A behavioural & Technical View on Rain Man on the Screen Adapted to the Pages Edigley Pereira Fraga (MSc Candidate in Computer Science - UFCG) Foreign Language Department TeacherTone I am going to compose this essay about the differences between the movie Rain Man, by Barry Levinson, and the namesake book, Rain Main, an adaptation from a novel by Leonore Fleischer based on the screenplay of the forementioned movie. For that, I will base my thesis on two main branches: a behavioural and a technical one. Firstly, I will deal with the technical differences I've noticed and afterwards, the behavioural ones. There are some little technical differences between the two narrative choices, obviously the movie narrative is more elaborated and the interrelation among the characters are most intricated but some choices in the book have impressed me, mainly the part in which Raymond meets Charlie, Susanna and the old Buick. In the book, this passage seems to be much more natural, showing ...