My name is Luísa Marillac. I am a doctor and I work at UFCG at HUAC. I'm a pediatrician. In my daily routine, I wake up at 6 o'clock and after I get a shower, I have breakfast at 6:30 and then I drop my daughter at university by car and I go to work. I have lunch in the hospital on tuesdays, wednesday and thursdays. In my house, I only have lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays and weekends.
I work in the afternoon at my office. Sometimes I work in the evening too in the hospital. When I get home, I'm very tired, so I take a shower, watch television, have dinner and do some exercise. Finally, I go to bed at about eleven o'clock. I sometimes work in the weekend, but when I'm free I go to the beach with my family or I stay home resting.
Look at you at the picture,